Whoever did watch this?Well i did.Jon and kate were supposedly happily married couple with 8 small children under 1 roof.At first they went for fertility treatments and got a pair of twins.And a year later they decided to give it another try for one more child but they end up getting a handful of 6.3 pairs of twins.
Yup..it was hard.Knowing that their marriage was over.How would the kids be?At first mummy pun cam terkejut jugak.Knowing from the show's tag line.But later when i Google,gosh,it was all true.Too bad.Maybe it wasn't really a 'reality' show after all..what they showed on tv..
The show wasn't really a hit in malaysia so we didn't get any chance to hear the gossips and news that has been rumoured around.What i read was,Jon was with another woman.A dumb blond.And kate still with the children.Pity her.
This really proved that a mother would always be a mother.No matter if she spanked them for misbehaving or when the husband cheats,she's still a mom.Wishing all the best for them.
I guess this is the outcome when we don't have some quality time with our man.No matter how busy we are with the kids,we should kept some time aside for him.Maybe some would say that i'm just a talker but i tried my best with my man.ehem..My dearest daddy.
I hope that they would get some counselling.And Jon,please grow up!Even kate needs a break somtimes but she's not yelling for it.DuH!
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