Loving memories in Tarcisian Convent's Choir
When i was in secondary school,i wasn't really active in any clubs.Just one particular club that really made me feels at home.Choir.
I loves music since i was small.Thanks to god,i had a voice to sing.
Although many of our schoolmates thought that being in choir was all about fame,power and the girls were mistakenly taken for being gedix.Yea,maybe some of them..haha.But honestly,it wasn't that sweet.We worked really hard.We got scoldings every day.Just to be good.Too bad nowadays the choir are not as strong as it used to.
I still remembers the day of the audition.I sang 'hero' by mariah carey to su ann.She's the leader of the pack.Sometimes she;s bubly,sometimes she's so garang we'll be so scared of her.But no one could replace her.Honestly.
That whole year all i could think of was all about choir.Practice starts at 8 until 5.No class.But still have to catch up.And there's practices over weekends,holidays.
I still remembers how Pn Gan,our principal,would stare at us from the back of the school hall just to see how we're doing.I wonder how she's doing now.
Thank god,we've been blessed.By winning all the way to national champs.Until now i still remembers every bit of it.All of it.How i cried to tia while waiting for the results in dewan sri penang.I told her i'm scared if i did a mistake.And how we all screamed our throat out when we heard the results.Gosh.
And then there was a royal concert.In istana budaya.Am really proud to have been singing there.
And i still remembers how they played pranks on me in kl,in our hotel.Yes tia,fairuza and all of u,i ingat lg.But that was forgiven.And that was when i first became aneroxic.Then later Pn Gan came and pujuk me,asking me to eat.Oh yea,i got my first crush to that cikgu R during that time also.Hehe.
I quit from choir.I dont know why.And the following year i came back in.It was shalini who was the conductor.We made it through all the way to national champ.But due to technical problems,we got 4th place.Because of the lining in,the sound system that was terrible.All of us was so dissappointed.I was so devastated that i stopped singing after that..I'm sorry guys,i just couldn't go on.That was my life.My choir,my sisters.
We've done our best,and to me,we're the divas in that era.Aren't we?We're tcs pride and joy.
I just hope that everyone would remember all this journey we've had.I sure do.I love u guys.Really.Thank you to everyone who has been supporting.My mom,my dad...
Here's a song we sang.Thanks to wai vern.Our junior.
when you believe - tcs choir 2000
Many nights we pray
With no proof anyone could hear
In our heart's a hopeful song
We barely understood
Now we are not afraid
Although we know there's much to fear
We were moving mountains long before we knew we could
There can be miracles, when you believe
Though hope frail, it's hard to kill
Who knows what miracles you can achieve
When you believe
Somehow you will…
You will when you believe
Easy to despair,
When all you hear is fear and lies
Easy just to run and hide,
Too frightened to begin
But if we dare to dare
Don't wait for answers from the skies
Each of us can look inside
And hear this song within
There can be miracles, when you believe
Though hope frail, it's hard to kill
Who knows what miracles you can achieve
When you believe
Somehow you will…
You will when you believe
They don't always happen when you ask
And it's easy to give in to your fear
But when you're blinded by your faith
Can't see your way clear through the rain
A small but still resilient voice,
Says hope is very near
(There can be miracles, when you believe)
Though hope is frail, it's hard to kill
Who knows what miracles you can achieve
When you believe
Somehow you will…
(Now you will)
And now you will
You will when you believe
I would try to understand.
Why sometimes she needs me.
But I'm not.
Song lyrics | If I Were A Boy lyrics
Suramnya Hari ini
Hari ni sepatutnya dd masih ada di rumah.Spending time with me and aya.But then tetibe last minute had to reschedule his trip,today.Sedey la.Seminggu sendirian di rumah dengan aya.Tentu sunyi hidup aku ni.Berbekalkan internet sepanjang hari pun masih x dapat mengubati hati ni.
Makan sensorang,tidur sensorang..Cakap pun sensorang...
Entry yg paling ringkas pernah aku coretkan.
Take care dd.We'll miss u.
Roti Jala
500 gm tepung gandum
1 biji telur
400 ml air
Sedikit kunyit
Sedikit minyak
200 gm isi ayam
1 labu bawang besar (kisar)
2 ulas bawang putih (kisar)
2 cm halia (kisar)
2 cm kulit kayu manis
2 kuntum bunga lawang
2 biji buah pelaga
3 sudu besar serbuk kari ayam
250 ml santan
1.Masukkan gandum ke dalam pengisar. Pecahkan telur dan bubuhkan sedikit serbuk kunyit.
2.Tuangkan air. Kemudian kisar sehingga sebati.
3.Ambil acuan roti jala dan pastikan laluan lubang tidak tersekat.
4.Panaskan kuali leper dan renjiskan dengan sedikit minyak dan jalakan adunan di atasnya.
Biarkan seketika, setelah masak angkat dan ketepikan.
5.Untuk kuahnya, panaskan sedikit minyak, tumiskan bawang besar, bawang putih,
halia dengan kulit kayu manis, bunga lawang dan buah pelaga. Pastikan tumisan naik bau,
6.Masukkan serbuk kari dan tumis lagi sehingga wangi.
7.Kemudian tuangkan air dan masukkan ayam yang telah dipotong kecil.
8.Apabila sudah masak tu, hidangkan bersama roti jala.
Peribadi seorang ibu
BERGELAR seorang ibu merupakan saat paling ditunggu-tunggu dalam fasa hidup seorang wanita. Tempoh sembilan bulan berbadan dua, merupakan satu pengalaman baru kepada wanita terutamanya yang pertama kali melalui detik itu.
Sifat seorang wanita biasanya memiliki pola dan refleksi diri yang membantu mengawal emosi diri.
Mengenali siapa diri anda dan memahami langkah menghadapi kesulitan akan membantu diri anda mengurangkan tekanan emosi lantas berjaya menyelesaikan masalah dengan baik.
Umumnya, pakar psikologi mengkelaskan lima jenis keperibadian calon ibu. Ia turut diperjelaskan menerusi laman web www.femalefirst.co.uk.
Cepat cemas
Bakal ibu seperti ini mudah cemas apabila ingin mendapatkan sesuatu informasi. Mereka tidak pernah putus asa dalam mencari pelbagai informasi tentang kehamilan dan kelahiran.
Mereka sentiasa inginkan nasihat daripada teman, ahli keluarga dan banyak membaca majalah serta buku-buku kehamilan. Meskipun hal ini baik untuk memperkaya pengetahuan si ibu, namun akhirnya akan membuat diri mereka keliru dengan pelbagai informasi.
Jadi pilihan bahan bacaan yang betul, sahih dan tepat untuk mengelakkan anda keliru.
Seorang ibu yang kompetitif selalunya ingin menjadikan dirinya yang terbaik dan pertama daripada orang lain. Apatah lagi jika dia adalah insan pertama yang hamil di kalangan rakan-rakan.
Jangan terlalu mendesak diri untuk menjadi terbaik. Ia akan membuat anda tertekan. Ingatkan suami atau teman rapat jika anda terlalu obses dengan kehamilan.
Ibu jenis ini sangat teratur dan rasional. Ibu yang profesional tidak akan berkompromi mengenai sesuatu perkara yang berkaitan dengan bayinya. Apa yang pasti, anda mahu memilih hospital yang menempatkan pelbagai kemudahan canggih dan dikeliling para jururawat.
Ibu jenis ini sememangnya berharap untuk memberikan segala hal yang natural untuk bayinya. Sebagai seorang ibu yang bersikap natural, anda akan menguasai diri dengan segala hal yang organik, menikmati hidangan makanan yang ringkas dan bernutrisi. Malah, mereka memilih ubat-ubatan alternatif dan berasa lebih tenang jika si bayi berada di rumah sendiri.
Jika anda berada dalam kumpulan ibu jenis ini, anda harus mengimbangi keperluan bayi dengan situasi. Anda perlu tahu, dapatkah anda menangani tumbesaran si kecil dengan bantuan alam sepenuhnya?
Tidak mudah khuatir
Ibu jenis ini sentiasa menghabis rutin hariannya dengan aktiviti santai. Anda merasakan bahawa ibu, kakak perempuan, teman dan wanita lain di dunia begitu gembira saat menghadapi kehamilan dan kelahiran tanpa berdepan dengan sebarang kesakitan.
Bagaimanapun, hati-hatilah kerana kemungkinan anda terlalu mengambil mudah termasuklah aktiviti yang boleh memberi risiko kepada kandungan anda.
Kek Batik
- 1 bungkus (350g) biskut marie
- Setengah buku butter
- 2 biji telur
- 1 cwn serbuk koko
- 1/2 cwn milo
- 1 cwn air
- 3/4 cwn gula
- ** milo dan koko tu terpulang pd citarasa. nak rase cokelat yg kuat..gune 1 cwn koko+1/2 cwn milo.nak rase yg agak mild,gune 1cwn milo+1/2 cwn koko
- patah2kan biskut
- dalam periuk, campurkan koko,milo,air,gula. Dengan api sederhana, kacaukan sampai semua dah larut
- masukkan butter,kacau sampai butter cair
- kecilkan api, masukkan telur..kacau sampai agak2 pekat (lbh kurang 30 saat).padamkan api
- masukkan pula biskut yg dah dipatahkan tadi.kacaukan sampai semua biskut dh di selaputi cokelat.(sukatan biskut terpulang pd citarasa. kalo nak byk cokelat gune sket ajer...)
- masukkan dlm loyang..tekan2 sket bg padat.simpan dlm peti sejuk sebelum dipotong dan dihidang
Melecet tumit daku berjalan...
Then lepas makan ngantuk la sesangat.Sib baik anak dara aku yg cinonet nih tidur,dapatlah kami melelapkan mata.Bangun2 je sin chan da start.Terlajak tidur la tuh.Then lepas maghrib siap cepat2 terus ke IOI.Sebab da lambat,malasla nak gi jauh2.
Menyesal la pulak berjalan pakai high heels ni.Melecet sungguh tumit ini.Jalan ke sana ke mari.Tp dd dgn selambanya kata,'Xpe,beauty is pain"..dush satu kat dd.Sakit kaki nih tau.
Me and dd x beli pape pun untuk diri sendiri.Cuma beli barang2 aya.Da ada anak nih,kalau jejak shopping mall sure terus ke baby's department.Dapat la belikan Miss Pacifier some items..Nak soother la,sipper cup la..mamam sampai 3 jenis dd beli..mcm2.Xpela.Anak sorang.
Lepas habis soppin,stop by at Wendy's,beli our dinner and terus balik.Waa...mummy penat la..And dd pun das warning suh tidur awal malam nih sbb esok xnak bangun lambat.Nak pergi lunch special kat Baser makan nasi beriyani rusa.Hehe.Dd da ngidam da tuh..Mintak2 la terbangun esok.:P
Nak pEGI shOPPing...WaWaWa
Arini dd dah janji nak bawak gi shopping.Nak beli walker,carseat aya..almaklumla nak tinggalkan mummy dengan aya 2 minggu.Takut2 kitorang buhsan kat umah leh la berjalan berdua.Tapi mcm dalam mimpi je sebab aku mmg malas nak berjalan tanpa bodyguard nih.Susah nak bawak barang,tolak stroller..Tp nih nampak gayanya macam x konfem je pergi..Dah pukul 12 tghari dd masih tidur.Aya pulak br jer tertidur.Sambil pegang henpon dd lg..hehehe
Takpe..kalau kul 2 x bangun jugak aku bangunkan gak.Buat2 sakit perut ke..sakit kaki ke..mesti cepat2 dd bangun punye..
Sekarang tgh musim sale..Bnyk sale.Dr barang kiko,sampai la ke Hush Puppies apparel.Aku mmg aware dengan setiap warehouse,clearance sale nih...Adoi..Bangunla..
My Simple life
When i asked my bear what should i write in my blog,he said "Tulis apa aje yg mummy nak tulis".So i gave some thoughts into it.I should write about my life,anything that i like,i do..all about everything,about me.
So i feel like writing 'about me'..
My life got a big turn last year.But i'm not sure if it begins waktu awal tahun or at the end.Because 2 seperate things happened.Benda yg paling major in life.But x kisahla..Life is a neverending journey.
It was a big start when i gave up my job last year when i decided to became a fulltime mom.Yes,a FULLTIME mom.Memula tu rasa berat hati sebab i had everything going smooth at that time.Nah..not really..keje kat ofis lama aku memang sangat menyakitkan hati di akhir2 time aku keje.Dengan bos yang x pernah amik peduli,ignorance,ketidakadilan,x pro lansung.So i decided baik berhenti jer.Sampai bila nak keje mcm ni.Menyakitkan hati.Rasa stress yg amat sangat.Anggap jer la dah bukan rezeki aku.Aku ditanya samada nak sambung kontrak atau x,and to their surprise i said NO!But not in such a harsh manner la..Sopan santun la kununnya disertakan dengan notis sebulan berhenti keje.A month later we all pun mulakan life sebagai 'bertiga'.
Pada mulanya aku rasa life akan jadi berat,dengan aku yg mmg tak ada pengalaman jaga budak,memandangkan aku anak manja bongsu.Tapi to my surprise my bear pandai dan rajin jaga anak.Dia mmg penyabar orangnya.Time aku dalam pantang,Kalau baby terjaga tengah malam,jarang la dia bangunkan aku.Dia buat susu,tukar diaper,dodoi aya..Rasanya susah nak dapat 'bear' lain mcm ni.Syukur alhamdulillah.
Makin aya besar,banyak la kerenahnya.So makin lama aku took over nightwatch jaga aya.Kesian pada daddy yang dah makin banyak project,kena balik lambat semua tuh.Dan sekarang kalau aya tak tidur,aku la yang teman sampai ke pagi.Sebab we still can't get her to sleep well throughout night time.Tak apa lah,siang aku tidur la kalau da penat sangat.
Tak rugi rasanya jadi full time mum.Dapat tengok perkembangan aya since kecil.Puas hati jaga dia.And i'm thankful when i say that aya tak pernah lagi sakit.Seriously.Alhamdulillah.Syukur sangat2.Maybe sebab dapat perhatian penuh dari mummy.
Tapi tak tahu la sampai bila jadi full time mummy ni since i've been having some dreams about getting back to work.Tak tahu la mcmane nanti.Because susah nak trust orang lain dengan anak kita sendiri.Hope that everything will work out well.
How to Give Yourself a Pedicure
- Step 1
SOAK - Soak your feet in a tub of water that is as hot as you can stand with a mild soap. Keep them soaking for as long as you want. Scrub them with your scrub brush to clean under the nails. Use the pointy end of your cuticle pusher to clean under the nail if you need to. Be careful, you do not want to hurt yourself. Then dry them.
- Step 2
SCRAPE ROUGH HEELS - If you have some dry dead skin on your heels or soles of your feet, you can use a heel buffer or pumice stone to slough off the dead skin. It works great when your heals are still moist from the soaking.
- Step 3
MASSAGE - Use your baby oil or lotion to massage your feet. Give your feet and toes a nice massage. Massage each toe individually and the soles and the top of your feet.
- Step 4
PUSH BACK CUTICLES - Gently push your cuticles back without hurting yourself. The do not need to be pushed all the way back.
- Step 5
CLIP NAILS - Remember to be careful when you are clipping your toenails. Do not clip on the side of the nails. Always clip straight across.
- Step 6
FILE NAILS - Once again, remember not to file or clip nails on the sides. File straight across.
- Step 7
BASE COAT - I prefer not to buff my toenails, but if you want to, you can buffer your nails before the base coat. Apply the base coat. Make sure you do not touch the cuticle or the sides of the toe with the base coat polish. Dry your toes thoroughly before applying the next step. You can use toe dividers or cotton balls to keep your toes separated while they dry.
Apply one or two coats of nail polish. Make sure that each coat dries thoroughly before applying the next coat. Dry nails before applying the next step.
- Step 9
TOP COAT - To seal your nail polish and keep it looking good for the longest period of time possible, you should apply a top coat. Make sure the top coat is thoroughly dry before activities or putting on socks or shoes.