- Step 1
SOAK - Soak your feet in a tub of water that is as hot as you can stand with a mild soap. Keep them soaking for as long as you want. Scrub them with your scrub brush to clean under the nails. Use the pointy end of your cuticle pusher to clean under the nail if you need to. Be careful, you do not want to hurt yourself. Then dry them.
- Step 2
SCRAPE ROUGH HEELS - If you have some dry dead skin on your heels or soles of your feet, you can use a heel buffer or pumice stone to slough off the dead skin. It works great when your heals are still moist from the soaking.
- Step 3
MASSAGE - Use your baby oil or lotion to massage your feet. Give your feet and toes a nice massage. Massage each toe individually and the soles and the top of your feet.
- Step 4
PUSH BACK CUTICLES - Gently push your cuticles back without hurting yourself. The do not need to be pushed all the way back.
- Step 5
CLIP NAILS - Remember to be careful when you are clipping your toenails. Do not clip on the side of the nails. Always clip straight across.
- Step 6
FILE NAILS - Once again, remember not to file or clip nails on the sides. File straight across.
- Step 7
BASE COAT - I prefer not to buff my toenails, but if you want to, you can buffer your nails before the base coat. Apply the base coat. Make sure you do not touch the cuticle or the sides of the toe with the base coat polish. Dry your toes thoroughly before applying the next step. You can use toe dividers or cotton balls to keep your toes separated while they dry.
Apply one or two coats of nail polish. Make sure that each coat dries thoroughly before applying the next coat. Dry nails before applying the next step.
- Step 9
TOP COAT - To seal your nail polish and keep it looking good for the longest period of time possible, you should apply a top coat. Make sure the top coat is thoroughly dry before activities or putting on socks or shoes.
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